Celebrating the Lunar New Year with Kiltane

Celebrating the Lunar New Year with Kiltane

Celebrated during the second new moon after the Winter Solstice, February 1st marks the beginning of the new lunar cycle: the Year of the Tiger.

As the legend goes, the tiger was the third animal to finish the Great Race to the Jade Emperor’s palace. The tiger is symbolic of strength, ambition, risk taking and adventure, and 2022 promises us all great opportunities in all aspects of life.

Discover the Collection

As a culture that’s full of symbolism, traditionally our friends across China commemorate the New Year by wearing red and gold. These are colours that represent good fortune and happiness.

Our Lunar New Year collection beautifully compliments our Scottish heritage alongside Chinese traditions, which makes these must-haves perfect to gift to loved ones. Shop our favourite staples in these striking colours to celebrate the Year of the Tiger below.

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